The Magic of Crystals

Let’s talk crystals! These beautiful creations by mother earth are so easy to love and admire. They come in various shapes, sizes, colors, and cuts. While working with crystals seems to be growing in popularity these days, the relationship between crystals and humans dates back hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

Ever since I was little, I loved being outside and connecting with nature – as most children do. I loved earth science, and took several field geology classes in school. So it seems pretty natural that I’ve continued to be drawn to the awe, wonder, and magic of crystals as I get older. Rocks, gems, minerals, and crystals have similar, but varying properties. I will be focusing on crystals in this blog, to share what they are and how they “work.” I’ll also share a few ways you can choose, cleanse, and connect with your crystal.

What is a Crystal?

Crystals are pure substances that have molecules arranged in a regular geometric pattern. The term “crystal” and “gem” are often used interchangeably, but gems refer to precious and semi-precious stones, usually used in jewelry making. While gems can be crystals, crystals aren’t always considered gems.

So why should we care about crystals? Dating back to ancient times (when humans were much more tuned into nature) our ancestors understood the power of crystals. We can see evidence of crystals being used by the Ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Greeks, Romans, Japanese, and almost every ancient culture, for their healing and protective properties. They were incorporated into everything, from battles to medicine. But how do they work?

Crystals are formed within the earth usually under intense heat and pressure. Depending where in the earth these crystals are formed, different properties are infused into their structures. They carry vibrational properties and patterns within their form that can interact with the unique vibrational properties we humans carry within us. After all, we’re made up of earth too! Consider this: quartz makes up about 12% of the earth’s crust, and we use quartz in almost every kind of technology we have today. It’s in your laptop, phone, and your watch – it’s what helps keep time. Scientists have done studies that crystals are capable of storing information, similar to a computer chip. The properties that make a crystal different from, say, a rock, are the unique geometric patterns that exist within them. Similar to the way sound waves make unique ripples depending on the frequency you play, these patterns of vibrations can interact with our energy fields in powerful ways.

Even if you’re not fully convinced that a “stone” can help you heal, I encourage you to have an open mind. These natural works of art must be here for some reason. I believe (when ethically sourced) crystals are here to help guide us, heal us, and encourage us to reach higher levels of consciousness. And despite what you may or may not believe about crystals, you can’t argue the aesthetic value they hold. The most compelling evidence you can uncover about the power of crystals is to simply give it a try yourself. Hold one and keep it near you, see how it makes you feel.

So, you’re ready to buy a crystal. Now what?

Brazilian Amethyst Towers available on Golden Light Crystals

How to choose a crystal

There are many ways you can select a crystal, but the most important way is using your own intuition. A quick google search or scan through books about crystals will offer you hundreds of explanations for each type of crystal out there and what it can be used for. And while it’s true that there are some very commonly accepted meanings behind individual crystals (rose quartz for love, as one example) ultimately only you can interpret what that crystal means to you. Selecting a crystal based on its color, shape, or texture is a perfectly acceptable way of selecting your first (or 100th) crystal. There may be a reason you’re drawn to that color or shape, as these physical elements interact with your vibration too.

If you’re looking to use a crystal in a very specific way, there are plenty of resources out there to help get you started. For example, if you’re looking to feel more grounded, it’s common to select a darker stone such as smoky quartz to call in that energy. Most crystal shops, or online sites should provide a commonly accepted list of properties or meanings behind their crystals.

While it’s ideal to select a crystal in person, there are also many places that sell crystals online. But buyer beware. There are lots of imitation crystals out there, and unethical vendors, as there are in almost every industry. So use common sense and do your homework, read their about page, reviews from other customers and, if possible, reach out directly to the owner to ask them how they source their crystals.

Rainbow Fluorite Points – available on Golden Light Crystals

How to cleanse your crystal

Once you’ve selected your new crystal baby, it’s time to cleanse. As I mentioned, crystals have a “memory” and can carry the energies of their environment and the people who’ve touched them. There are a few ways to cleanse your crystal.

  • Smudging: Use dried herbs, such as sage or palo santo, and allow the smoke to wash away any old energy.
  • The Moon: You can cleanse and “charge” your crystals by setting them outside under a full moon.
  • Sound: Using a sound bowl, you can cleanse and reset your crystal through the frequency of the sound waves.
  • The Ocean: You can cleanse some crystals in the ocean, but be very careful. Not all crystals can get wet or they will dissolve, so make sure to research that first.
  • Other crystals: Believe it or not, some crystals can actually cleanse other crystals. Selenite is the best one for this. You can buy a selenite slab and place your crystals on it to regularly cleanse them.

Connecting with your crystal

You’re ready to connect with it now. Start off by simply sitting somewhere quietly with your new crystal. Look at its structure closely, and memorize all the imperfections, colors, and texture of your new crystal. Next, allow yourself to meditate with it in your hand, and infuse your crystal with an intention. An intention gives your crystal a purpose. Your thoughts create a physical vibration and hold power. When you use your mind to connect an intention with a crystal, powerful things will happen. You can use the crystal as a reminder to pull you back into that intention. Maybe you want to feel more peace, joy, love, grounding, abundance, or healing. Infuse that thought and feeling into your crystal, and use it as a physical reminder of your intention.

And there are many ways to “use” your crystal as well, depending on what form it’s in. Many crystals are turned into necklaces, bracelets, or earrings that can be worn on your person to help you carry that intention close to your body. You can place certain crystals by your bed or under your pillow to protect or heal you overnight. Crystals can be placed in your car, your office, or around your home. You can incorporate them into a self-care routine, such as taking a bath, or setting up for a moon ceremony. Once you start collecting them and infusing different intentions into each crystal, you can see that the possibilities for how to incorporate crystals in your life truly are endless, and completely unique to each person.

Clear Quartz Spheres – available on Golden Light Crystals

I hope this brief guide helps you feel more confident as you begin to work with crystals on your own. There are so many resources out there to help guide you in the world of all things crystals. If you have any questions, feel free to comment on this post or get in touch with me and I’d be happy to help you as best I can. Remember, there really is no “wrong” way to work with crystals. Allow your intuition to guide you and open yourself up to this magical realm.

My cousin and I opened an online crystal shop called Golden Light Crystals if you’re interested in checking out our current selection of crystals.

Wishing you a wonderful wellness journey!

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