Introducing New and Full Moon Circles!

A renewed love and interest in the moon has been resurfacing in our culture today.  Books like Lunar Abundance, moon-centered yoga practices, products like MoonBodySoul, and even moon-based subscription boxes are popping up all over. People around the world are also beginning to host their own gatherings around the new and full moon. However, humans have used the moon’s cycles in many ways long, long before us. In some ancient cultures, women would gather in Moon Lodges or Red Tents as a safe space for them to embrace their womanhood and focus on their mental, physical and spiritual health. It’s no coincidence that our menstrual cycles line up with the time it takes the moon to move through its phases – about 29.5 days. People used to hunt in the moonlight, gather around a fire and tell stories to one another in a circle at night, and use the moon as a way of tracking seasons and time. Our history and attachment to the moon spans centuries.

While we now have electricity, grocery stores, and modern conveniences, I think it’s beautiful that people are beginning to reconnect with the moon in new ways. I believe this loving presence orbiting our earth is a wonderful reminder to go inward each month and reflect. Our lives are cyclical, not linear. They are filled with highs and lows, ups and downs, good times and times of struggle. The moon is a beautiful, physical example of what it looks like to go through the phases of life, accepting and acknowledging each one. It provides us an opportunity to take a pause in our busy lives, gather with other women, honor nature and dream together.

What do we do in a moon circle?

What we do in each circle will vary slightly based on the moon. Each new and full moon falls within a particular zodiac in the sky. For example, the last full moon fell in Taurus and the next new moon falls in Scorpio. With each zodiac (there are 12 total) brings a new theme to our circle. We will base the activities around that astrological energy to focus on a different area of our life. At my last circle, we discussed our attachments and comfort zones, and ended with a grounding meditation.

New moons are a time to set intentions for the month ahead. When the night is darkest, that’s when you go inward. New moons are a perfect time for introspection, meditation, and preparation. As the month progresses, you will see your own intentions wax as the moon does too.

Full moons are a time of high energy and they illuminate what is working in your life and what isn’t. This is a time to harness the energy to manifest your intention now, and release what is no longer serving you.

At every moon circle we will learn about the theme behind that particular moon, meditate, breathe, practice yoga, pull cards, journal, and have time for discussion. 

How to join my moon circles

There are two ways to join me. I host virtual moon circles each month on the new moon. This means you can tune in from wherever you are in the world and either join me live, or register to view the recording at your own time. If you’re local to the northern Virginia area, I also hold New and Full Moon Ceremonies in person at FierceOm. You can sign up for those on their website.


If you have any questions at all about what to expect at one of my moon circles, don’t hesitate to reach out. I look forward to seeing you at an upcoming circle!

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