Looking back: Adventures in 2018

As 2018 comes to an end, I pause to remember how I got to where I am today. 2014 was a year of stress, depression and struggle. 2015 was the year I began to leave old, unhealthy habits behind, explore the world and begin a new chapter. 2016 was a year of cross-country adventure with Ryan, conquering new physical feats, and opening my eyes to a new way of living. 2017 was the year I began stepping into a new version of myself.

And 2018 has been a year of spiritual growth and love. I am stepping more fully into who I am. I am beginning to understand the direction my life is taking. I am living a little bit more slowly, while still maintaining my enthusiasm for life, adventure, and seeking answers to the biggest questions. I am at a place where my own cup is being filled, allowing me to give more and more of myself to helping others. 2018 has been a year of celebrating the beginning of a life together with Ryan as we plan for our wedding next year. It was a year of solo adventuring in Australia, connecting very closely to nature in Norway and Puerto Rico, and finding new, small ways to begin helping make this world a better place.

I snorkeled the Great Barrier Reef, kayaked the fjords of Norway with my sister, celebrated a wedding in Sweden, traveled to Puerto Rico with Ryan, and tried my hand at rock-climbing, yoga, and meditation. I began hosting my own events at a wellness center in my area, walked through some of the tallest trees in Vancouver, and camped in the Great Smoky Mountains with my cousin.

But those are just the highlights. I also had to say goodbye to my sister (and best friend) who moved to a different part of the country, cried when I was alone in Australia, experienced the worst food poisoning of my life, felt sad for things my loved ones were going through, and felt overwhelmed at times.

However, through both the good and the bad, this year has been truly beautiful and I am grateful for every moment of it. Yet I know 2019 holds even more promise. It will be a new chapter to the next part of my life, and I am ready for it. 2019, I am already grateful for you.

My intentions for this coming year include:

  • Take care of my mind, body and soul through yoga, meditation and clean eating
  • Begin a happy, healthy marriage by being fully present and gentle with myself and Ryan during the wedding planning process, and surrendering to the love and happiness that will surround us during our wedding, honeymoon and first year of marriage
  • Begin the groundwork of building a wellness-focused side gig by getting yoga-certified, hosting monthly events, and continuing to educate myself.

I recommend you take some time to reflect on the past year for yourself — both the good and the bad. Pause and look at how much you’ve grown, what you’ve accomplished, and the ways you’ve changed. Then set your own intentions. “I am” statements are the most powerful words you can speak. Put it out there to the universe and the universe will respond. So when you think about what you want to manifest in 2019, think of one to three “I am” statements that will help get you there.

My “I am” statement for next year is “I am on a clear path.” Yours could be “I am brave” or “I am open to receiving love.” Keep these statements with you in the coming year to remind your inner self who YOU are. And see the magic unfold with the year ahead.

I wish you a beautiful year ahead! Here are a few highlights from things I saw and did this year.

Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico
Smith Mountain Lake
Smith Mountain Lake
Luray Caverns
Smoky Mountains
Smoky Mountains
Rise Well Being Center

To read more about my travels from this past year, check out these posts:

Wishing you a magical new year and a wonderful 2019. Chase your dreams!

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