The Benefits of Earthing

Earthing, or grounding, has been gaining in popularity as a term people use. But what is it exactly and are there any real benefits to it?

Let’s go back in time…

Before there were shoes, sidewalks, paved roads, homes, and buildings, we humans relied completely on Mother Earth. We walked barefoot or with leather on our feet and really connected with the ground below us. We were in tune with the cycles of nature, relying on her for food, shelter and protection. We were also walking on a conductive surface (the surface of the earth is conductive vs. concrete or asphalt which is not) that actually grounded the energy in our bodies.

And then the building began. We covered our feet with shoes, we paved over nature, and started building walls all around us. As we began to spend more and more of our time indoors and off the actual surface of the earth, we lost the connection to nature that we once had, which provided many emotional and health benefits. Recently, more research has been done to explore the adverse effects of spending too much time indoors, as well as the plethora of benefits they have found from earthing.

Take it outside.

Earthing is so easy, and sometimes I wonder why I don’t make more time for it in my own life! It is such a simple way to instantly feel a little bit better. If you’re feeling stressed, tired, confused, or out of touch with yourself, go outside. Take your shoes off, find some grass, dirt, sand or even the ocean (if you’re lucky enough to live close to it!) and rest with your bare feet on the ground. It’s even more powerful to sit and place the palms of your hands on the ground too.

So, what does earthing do for you?

Beyond the spiritual feeling of connecting with nature, there are some real, tangible health benefits to spending 30 minutes outside earthing or grounding every day. It can…

  • Improve sleep
  • Decrease stress
  • Reduce chronic pain and arthritis
  • And literally charge you up! The electrons in the subtly negatively-charged ground can help reduce free radicals in the body. Free radicals are uncharged molecules that are associated with disease in the human body

Combine earthing with a walking meditation or deep breathing and I can pretty much guarantee that your mood will be lifted, your body will feel relaxed, and your mind will be clear.

A Walking Meditation:

Go outside to an area where you are safe to take off your shoes and take a walk while barefoot. This can be on grass, sand, or soil.

Take a moment to stand on the earth with your eyes closed, feeling the connection between the ground and your feet. Take a deep breath. As you exhale, imagine releasing any energy that is no longer serving you down from your body and into the earth. As you inhale, imagine positive, healing energy being sent up from the earth and into your body. Continue this breathing and visualization for a few moments.

When you feel you’ve taken enough time to really be present, open your eyes and slowly begin walking. Notice everything around you, just observing and not judging. Notice how the ground feels on your bare feet. Is it cool or hot? Rough or comfortable? Notice the sounds around you. Notice the temperature of the air. Pay attention to the weight of your body and the ground supporting you.

When your thoughts begin to wander, come back to your breath. You can also return to the steps you’re taking. Watch as you lift one leg and slowly place it down on the ground. After making contact, slowly lift the next leg.

Walk mindfully in this way for 30 minutes. When you’re done, sit on the ground and soak in the benefits of this practice. Close your eyes, take a few breaths, and notice any shifts in your emotional or physical state. And know whenever you are feeling disconnected, you can always come back to this practice of earthing any time.

Happy earthing, Earthlings

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